
About us
Sulisdoc was formed in 2009 by a small group of Sessional GPs (SGPs) to help support and advise other SGPs and to represent its members to the PCT and now the CCG. It is run on a voluntary basis by a small committee and has a membership of approximately 100 doctors, both SGPs and GP registrars.
Sessional GPs include associates, assistants, retainers, returners, flexible career GPs, locums and other independent GPs. SGPs may be freelance or salaried, and may work in a variety of settings eg general practices, healthcare centres, out-of-hours services, private sector or prisons.
Sessional GP work can be professionally isolating and one of the aims of Sulisdoc has been to provide a forum to bring SGPs together to offer support, advice and to share news.
Sulisdoc is a very friendly group and welcomes all SGPs whether they are established in the BANEs area or have recently moved here. We are actively looking for more members to join the committee – please get in touch with us if you’d like to know more!
Please note, Sulisdoc is not a locum agency and has nothing to do with wages or fees – sulisdoc@gmail.com
Supporting Sessional GPs: BGPERT have partnered with Sulisdoc
For a few years now Sulisdoc have been running on a volunteer skeleton staff, mostly forwarding emails about work and relevant local GP information, to help keep sessional doctors up to date. This is in sharp contrast to the more active role Sulisdoc used to provide in supporting local doctors and having a voice for the sessional GP community in the wider local GP landscape.
To make the organisation more meaningful, and expand the range of services Sulisdoc can offer, they have been in discussion with different agencies to partner with Sulisdoc and we’re delighted that BGPERT have agreed to take this on.
This transition happened on 1st September 2021. People who are currently members of Sulisdoc will not need to do anything, they will simply transfer the behind the scenes management to BGPERT. If any individuals don’t want to be part of this then simply email Sulisdoc and we will take you off the list. The BGPERT GDPR policy is available on their website so you will know what you’re signing up to.
Sulisdoc membership and BGPERT membership will remain separate. Sulisdoc membership will continue to be free via emails from sulisdoc@gmail.com.
Please email any questions to us at sulisdoc@gmail.com
Best wishes
We accept membership from all non-partner GPs. Cost of membership is currently free.
Benefits of membership include:-
- Information on jobs – locums , salaried and partnership job adverts
- Information on upcoming educational events
- A group to share information and act as a voice standing up for the rights of sessional GPs
- A “formal voice” for Sessional GPs to BANES CCG
- Being part of a growing community and social events
We hope you get as much out of Sulisdoc as we do!
BGPERT/Sulisdoc GDPR policy is available on the BGPERT website so you will know what you’re signing up to.
Advertise a job
To advertise a job ewith us, please complete the form attached.
BGPERT/Sulisdoc GDPR policy is available on the BGPERT website so you will know what you’re signing up to.
Useful Links
GPERT, Bath GP Education & Research Trust (BGPERT)
This is a charitable organisation offering a wide variety of accredited educational events for GPs in the Bath Area. Examples include basic skin surgery, child protection, medicines management and joint injection training.
Sessions are run as full day/half day and evening meetings. Depending on the meeting, refreshments are offered and for many evening meetings a hot supper is provided. Becoming a member and attending the meetings not only allows you to maintain your CPD, but is a great way to network with other GP colleagues and local consultants.
For further information on BGPERT and becoming a member please visit – http://www.bathgped.co.uk
Local Medical Committees
LMCs are also a good point of call for any Sessional GPs. They provide up-to-date information on payment and employment issues as well as acting as a source of pastoral support and advice for GPs in difficulty.
BANES practices are served by Wessex LMC.
Wessex LMC www.wessexlmcs.com/sessionals.html
Avon LMC www.almc.co.uk
GP Appraisal is a key component of Revalidation and every GP must compete one annually unless they have exceptional circumstances.
Revalidation requires five successful appraisals including 50 CPD credits each year, one set of colleague and patient feedback questionnaires, the required child protection and CPR training and audit/quality improvement projects as confirmed with your individual appraisers.
There can be specific difficulties for sessional GPs with appraisal especially involving the questionnaire and audits but all appraisers should be aware of resources to help and the RCGP website section on Revalidation is really helpful.
Our local team is The Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire Area Team (BGSW) Area Team and there are a number of GP appraisers in the area who are sessional GPs. At present you can choose your appraiser but this is likely to change soon to allocation only to make to process fairer.
The Responsible Officer for the Bath, Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire area is Dr Liz Mearns, Medical Director, NHS England (BGSW Area Team).
The day to day administration is conducted from the NHS England Area Team office in Brockworth, Gloucester, by Admin Assistant, Samantha Green. BGSWHUB.GPappraisals@nhs.net or Sam.green@nhs.net tel. 0300 421 1732
There can be specific difficulties for sessional GPs with appraisal especially involving the questionnaire and audits but all appraisers should be aware of resources to help and the RCGP website section on Revalidation is really helpful.
BANES CCG – http://www.bathandnortheastsomersetccg.nhs.uk/
BEMS+ – GP Provider group – http://www.bems.uk.com/
RUH GP site – http://www.ruh.nhs.uk/For_Clinicians/index.asp?menu_id=1
Locum Organiser – https://www.locumorganiser.com/
Penny Perfect – http://www.pennyperfect.co.uk/
Pension info:
The requirements and documentation needed to pay NHS pension as a Locum is currently changing so fast we feel it is best to direct you to the NHS Pension Agency website for the most up to date information. You should find the relevant forms and payment instructions detailed here: https://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/member-hub/information-practitioner-locum-and-non-gp
Other useful sites regarding Locum pension payments include:
- The National Association for Sessional GPs – https://www.nasgp.org.uk/
- The BMA
- Wessex LMC