Who are Sessional GPs (SGPs)?
The title ‘Sessional GP’ is an umbrella term used to collectively refer to salaried, locum and freelance GPs, at any stage in their career, from newly qualified to peri-retirement.
Working as an SGP can be isolating and often lacks the peer support that is available to regular practice colleagues. Furthermore, it can be more challenging to access key elements of Continuing Professional Development to facilitate career development and appraisal.
With this in mind, BGPERT aims to support Sessional GPs to access education that is relevant to their learning needs and professional development, whilst at the same providing them with the opportunity to network with others in a similar position.
Sulisdoc was formed in 2009 by a small group of Sessional GPs (SGPs) to help support and advise other SGPs and to represent its members to the PCT and now the CCG.
Sulisdoc accept membership from all non-partner GPs, cost of membership is currently free of charge.
Sulisdoc membership will continue to be free via emails from sulisdoc@gmail.com and please see more here.
Benefits of Sulisdoc membership include:-
- Information on jobs – locums , salaried and partnership job adverts
- Information on upcoming educational events
- A group to share information and act as a voice standing up for the rights of sessional GPs
- A “formal voice” for Sessional GPs to BANES CCG
- Being part of a growing community and social events
Newly Qualified Fellowship Scheme
NHS England have this year introduced a 2 year Newly Qualified GP Fellowship Scheme. It aims to help facilitate ongoing CPD learning , whilst supporting the transition to becoming an independent practitioner.
Across the Bath and Northeast Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire region the scheme offers the following;
1) BSW GP Starter Pack
2) Peer-to Peer support through a WhatsApp group and a First 5 course
3) Education Trust Membership to help support your learning through the local GP education systems
4) Mentorship and coaching
5) Portfolio Work.
Please contact bswccg.traininghub@nhs.net for more information should you wish to take up this opportunity.
Useful Links
Bristol Association of Sessional GPs
This is a Sessional GP Group based in Bristol.
Membership offers access to an Online Discussion Forum, in addition to other benefits including email information about educational and employment opportunities, and local service development.
The National Association of Sessional GPs
This organisation works hard for SGPs, particularly in this current climate when Sessional GPs need a collective voice at a National Level. It campaigns hard to ensure professional equality, provision of education and political representation for SGPs. Membership entitles SGPs to a wealth of information via its bi-monthly newsletter. For further information visit www.nasgp.org.uk
Local Medical Committees
LMCs are also a good point of call for any Sessional GPs. They provide up-to-date information on payment and employment issues as well as acting as a source of pastoral support and advice for GPs in difficulty.
Wessex LMC – www.wessexlmcs.com/sessionals.html
Avon LMC – www.almc.co.uk
The British Medical Association
The BMA provides an Annual Sessional GP Handbook and Regular Sessional GP Newsletters to their members, which aims to keep SGPs up to date with the wide range of new and on-going issues affecting Salaried and Locum GPs.
They have also produced valuable guidance establishing a Sessional Group.
Please see BMA ‘How to set up a sessional GP group’.